Counselor comforts a teen boy and his friends

Is a recent traumatic event in your school or community affecting students and staff?

Examples include but are not limited to: death of a student, natural disaster, or violence in school.

 T R I S Consultation Services are here to help.

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T R I S provides specialized consultation to administrators, counselors and other school leaders to provide support in navigating unexpected traumatic events and other challenges in a trauma-informed manner.

The T R I S team can provide assistance with:

  • How to communicate with staff, students, and families about the situation

  • Ways of navigating the situation when it is brought up in the classroom

  • Identifying students and staff that might need extra mental health support

  • Providing mental health resources, fact sheets, scripts, and sample communication letters in customizable formats

To schedule a consultation, please see the instructions below.


Lindsay McGhee, Md.E.
School-Based Mental Health Coordinator

Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education School Health Services

Phone:  501-682-5727



Lindsay Ledgerwood, Ed.S, M.S.
Public School Program Coordinator for School Counseling

Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education School Health Services

Phone:  501-683-5428



Arkansas Private Schools can contact T R I S consultants directly.