Is a recent traumatic event in your school or community affecting students and staff?
Examples include but are not limited to: death of a student, natural disaster, or violence in school.
T R I S Consultation Services are here to help.
T R I S provides specialized consultation to administrators, counselors and other school leaders to provide support in navigating unexpected traumatic events and other challenges in a trauma-informed manner.
The T R I S team can provide assistance with:
How to communicate with staff, students, and families about the situation
Ways of navigating the situation when it is brought up in the classroom
Identifying students and staff that might need extra mental health support
Providing mental health resources, fact sheets, scripts, and sample communication letters in customizable formats
To schedule a consultation, please see the instructions below.
Lindsay McGhee, Md.E.
School-Based Mental Health Coordinator
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education School Health Services
Phone: 501-682-5727
Lindsay Ledgerwood, Ed.S, M.S.
Public School Program Coordinator for School Counseling
Arkansas Department of Education
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education School Health Services
Phone: 501-683-5428